Who do you trust?

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5 – 6

Who do you place your trust in? We live in troubling times, and the United States is more divided than ever.  Is there anyone who can solve the problems with the economy, crime, drugs and terrorism? Maybe a liberal, or conservative; or maybe a moderate? Is it possible we are looking in the wrong place for the solution?

For many generations humans have attempted to create the perfect society. The only problem they keep running into, are the people themselves. Everyone has ideas of how things can be fixed, but there is only ONE person who is truly able to fix all things, and that’s our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Does that mean Christianity has the answers? No. JESUS is the answer, not religion. The world isn’t going to suddenly improve because people start reading the Bible. There are plenty of people reading the Bible, and still getting it wrong.  In Proverbs chapter 3 we told that trusting in the Lord is the first step in the right direction.

Trusting in the Lord with all of our heart begins with humility. We need to humble ourselves, and understand that we don’t understand. When we acknowledge Him, then we begin to see the path He has set before us. That doesn’t mean the path will be paved with gold! There may be potholes and rocks.  There will be trouble.  Even so, He will direct us to safety.  And if we go down the path He directs us on, we will be in the center of His will.  Isn’t that the best place to be?!

So is that how we solve all of the problems in the world? Nope. But it will give us comfort and peace knowing we are doing what God wants us to do. The more people walking in the will of God, on the path He has set before them, the easier it becomes to dwell together in a world full of angst.

Who do you place your trust in? I choose to trust in Jesus!


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