What’s On Your Mind

thoughtsLet no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.
Ephesians 4:29 NKJV

Paul knew that it’s impossible to stop corrupt thoughts from entering our minds, but we don’t have to entertain them, or voice them!  Today’s world of text messaging and social media presents people’s thoughts without a filter.  People say things in a text that they would never say to someone face-to-face.  Self-confidence is crushed through careless and hurtful posting on social media outlets.

Our speech should change as we mature in our walk with Christ.  It doesn’t mean we don’t slip and use language we shouldn’t, or use a tone that isn’t loving.  It means it should be happening less often, to the point where it is very rare rather than the norm.

Instead of corrupt words, we should be using edifying words, speaking grace to those who hear us.  That doesn’t come naturally.  It’s something we have to practice.  We begin by being sensitive to the Holy Spirit who lives within us.  As we listen to Him speak to us, He begins to speak through us.

Our speech also reflects what we listen to, or read in books, or hear in TV shows and movies. The more we fill ourselves with Godly teaching and reading, the more it will be reflected in the words we use.

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