COVID Vaccination

I have concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine.  I’m not anti-vaccine. I just had the shingles vaccine recently and it paid off when I had an outbreak. Primarily, I just don’t trust the people promoting the COVID-19 vaccine. 

These are the same people promoting population control.  These are the same ones promoting evolution as a fact. They don’t listen to any of the studies that contradict what they believe. 

These are the same ones promoting gender fluidity; allowing children to “choose” their gender before they reach puberty. These are the same people telling us that an unborn fetus is not a life.  

These are the same people promoting the idea of climate change, but won’t listen to the MANY scientists who disagree with them and have scientific studies that counter their claims. How many times do these climate change supporters get away with causing fear?

These are the same people hiding all information that contradicts their agenda. They remove posts from social media, and even ban people who promote anything that makes them look bad. They accuse others of the very things that they themselves are guilty of.

I believe this is the work of the enemy who wants to force everyone to trust in the science of mankind over the teaching of the Word of God. Christians should be suspect of any “science” that hasn’t been fully tested and proven.

Do I believe it is a compromise of our faith to take the vaccine?  I’m not sure.  But they ensured the vaccine includes aborted stem cells, but it doesn’t contain the dead virus itself as vaccines normally do.

I believe the more people submit to what they tell us is “good for us”, the more people will be apathetic to the other issues they promote without questioning the “science”.

It is obvious the vaccine doesn’t prevent people from getting COVID-19, or even dying from it. I believe their attention would best be focused on treating the virus, instead of denying the results of successful treatments currently being practiced today.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;  In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5 – 6

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